‘ayanomimi podcast’ pre-launch information

‘ayanomimi podcast’ puts light on the latest topics about what connects Denmark and Japan. Based on ayanomimi’s experience, Aya will filter the information in order to meet the needs from Japan and share her knowledge about the cultural differences and similarities.
Recently, an increased Japanese interest in Danish lifestyle, work, and education, has created knowledge sharing between cross-sectoral businesses and institutions in Denmark and Japan. The Japanese travel to Denmark to learn from the Danish examples in the fields of innovation, smart cities, work environment, creative learning, and digitization etc.
Danish companies and institutions are getting closer to become able to export knowledge, expertise, and methods. However, many do experience the difficulties of starting up something concrete. In this podcast we will help Japanese companies and individuals to get one step closer to implementation and business collaboration with Denmark. It is not enough to ‘learn’ from Denmark, both can learn from each other and the purpose should be future collaboration. We will answer the typical questions, once and for all. We will talk about how to prepare a meeting with a Danish partner, how to re-discover strengths in your own culture, and why Danes thinks and acts as they/we do.
The podcast is in Japanese and everyone can listen to it for free. We will invite guests to join the conversations about design, culture, and business. The recording takes place in Denmark, and the first episodes will be launched during April 2020. An English version of the podcast explaining how to approach Japan, is planned to take form in the future.
For the latest updates about the podcast, please, follow ayanomimi on Facebook.